Saturday, November 08, 2008

Rob Huddleston: Your Book ROCKS!

I've been working on some simple HTML and CSS pages. But I was working from books that were 10+ years old. Today, I went out and bought a new HTML / CSS / XHTML book, "HTML, XHTML, and CSS: Your Visual Blueprint for Designing Effective Web Pages" by Rob Huddleston. One of the first pages pointed me towards a VERY cool CSS site, called "Under the Sea" by Eric Stoltz (no, not THAT Eric Stoltz).

To start, just the link to the CSS Zen Garden was worth the price. The "Under the Sea" page alone has enough cool tricks on it that I'll be parsing it for the next week.

The book itself is very well laid out, in my opinion. The information is presented well, not overbearing, does not insult my intelligence, and is straightforward. Well worth the price. (Which was $30 at Borders. may have it cheaper.)

Frankly, if you're looking for a good book on XHTML and CSS, this is it.

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