Thursday, November 10, 2005

Heroic (Virus) Protection?

I recently acquired a new DVD. Inside was a Symantec advertisement. It says, and I quote, "Norton software products offer heroic protection for your computer..."

Heroic protection?

While I believe that the word "hero" and "heroic" has been overused as of late, this goes a step beyond overused. This is sheer abuse. I know at least one heroic computer programmer. That's only because he was in the Army and served his country honorably for over two decades. He served in the first Gulf War (Desert Shield / Desert Storm). And now he's someone to whom I look to with regards to his computer programming skills.

His computer skills have nothing to do with why I think he's a bit above. It's his selflessness, his professionalism, and the fact that he did what so many of us are unwilling to do, put his country before himself.

"Heroic protection for your computer?" Give me a break.

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